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saveRole(Role) - Method in class com.dada.banking_project.controllers.impl.RoleController
Save a new role
saveRole(Role) - Method in interface com.dada.banking_project.controllers.interfaces.RoleControllerInterface
Save a new role
saveRole(Role) - Method in class
Saves a new role to the database
saveRole(Role) - Method in interface
This method is used to save a Role entity to the database.
saveUser(User) - Method in class com.dada.banking_project.controllers.impl.UserController
Save a new user
saveUser(User) - Method in interface com.dada.banking_project.controllers.interfaces.UserControllerInterface
Saves a new user
saveUser(User) - Method in class
Saves a new user to the database
saveUser(User) - Method in interface
This method is used to save a User entity to the database.
SavingAccount - Class in com.dada.banking_project.models.Accounts
SavingAccount is a subclass of the Account class that represents a savings account.
SavingAccount() - Constructor for class com.dada.banking_project.models.Accounts.SavingAccount
SavingAccount(BigDecimal, String, String, String, AccountHolder) - Constructor for class com.dada.banking_project.models.Accounts.SavingAccount
SavingAccountRepository - Interface in com.dada.banking_project.repositories
The SavingAccountRepository interface provides methods to perform CRUD operations on SavingAccount entities in the database.
SecurityConfig - Class in
This is the main configuration class for security in the application.
SecurityConfig() - Constructor for class
setCity(String) - Method in class com.dada.banking_project.models.Address
setCreditLimit(BigDecimal) - Method in class com.dada.banking_project.models.Accounts.CreditCardAccount
Set the credit limit for this CreditCard account.
setInterestRate(BigDecimal) - Method in class com.dada.banking_project.models.Accounts.CreditCardAccount
Set the interest rate for this CreditCard account.
setInterestRate(BigDecimal) - Method in class com.dada.banking_project.models.Accounts.SavingAccount
Sets the interest rate for the SavingAccount.
setMinimumBalance(BigDecimal) - Method in class com.dada.banking_project.models.Accounts.CheckingAccount
Set the minimum balance for this Checking account.
setMinimumBalance(BigDecimal) - Method in class com.dada.banking_project.models.Accounts.SavingAccount
Sets the minimum balance for this Savings account.
setMinimumBalance(BigDecimal) - Method in class com.dada.banking_project.models.Accounts.StudentCheckingAccount
setMonthlyMaintenanceFee(BigDecimal) - Method in class com.dada.banking_project.models.Accounts.CheckingAccount
This method sets the monthly maintenance fee for the checking account.
setMonthlyMaintenanceFee(BigDecimal) - Method in class com.dada.banking_project.models.Accounts.StudentCheckingAccount
setSecretKey() - Method in class com.dada.banking_project.models.Accounts.Account
setState(String) - Method in class com.dada.banking_project.models.Address
setStreet(String) - Method in class com.dada.banking_project.models.Address
setZipCode(Integer) - Method in class com.dada.banking_project.models.Address
StudentCheckingAccount - Class in com.dada.banking_project.models.Accounts
StudentCheckingAccount() - Constructor for class com.dada.banking_project.models.Accounts.StudentCheckingAccount
StudentCheckingAccount(BigDecimal, String, String, String, AccountHolder) - Constructor for class com.dada.banking_project.models.Accounts.StudentCheckingAccount
StudentCheckingAccountRepository - Interface in com.dada.banking_project.repositories
A repository for managing student checking accounts in the database.
successfulAuthentication(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, FilterChain, Authentication) - Method in class com.dada.banking_project.filters.CustomAuthenticationFilter
Method is called if the user is successfully authenticated
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